FreeDOS command: config.sys - FreeDOS HTMLHelp (installed language list) Command: config.sys FreeDOS reads the CONFIG.SYS / FDCONFIG.SYS file at startup to configure the DOS system. ... DOS prompt and BATCH FILE commands generally cannot be used in CONFIG.SYS / FDCONFIG.SYS. See also the MENU CONFIG ...
Config.sys Menu Setup SYS file. Here's some ideas on why you might want to use a multiple startup config.sys menu. Suppose that you backup ...
DOS 6.2 CONFIG.SYS Menu's for Dummies - Uncreative Labs DOS 6.2 CONFIG.SYS Menu's for Dummies or How to make multiple configurations run on your computer. Several ...
CONFIG.SYS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia CONFIG.SYS is the primary configuration file for the DOS, OS/2 as well as similar ..... SYS menu are described here:.
Config.sys Options - FreeDOS Title: Config.sys Options Configuring your DOS system for use: .... echo configuration 0 selected however, if you have no menu's in config.sys, then % config% has no value, thus resulting in "IF == 0 echo ...
Config.sys Menus Config.sys Menus. Booting up under Win95. My c:\config.sys. [menu] MENUITEM =linux, Load Linux ...
CONFIG.SYS Commands The CONFIG.SYS file is a text file that contains special commands. These commands configure your computer's ...
Autoexec.bat and config.sys configurations in DOS 6 Selective startup menu. The commands above will allow us to define multiple ...
DOS Config.sys/Autoexec.bat Menu - Good day, highly active DOS forum (heh). I was going to make a boot CD (based on an image from a ...
DOS Command: MENUDEFAULT You can only use one MENUDEFAULT= line within a menu block in your CONFIG.SYS file. The default menu option ...